The Story

Uked! is the hilarious and poignant story of Karla, a lonely and eccentric single woman who is dumped on her 50th birthday by her violin-playing boyfriend Brian in favour of Kylie, who plays the cello.
Desperate to belong and to prove her musical worth, Karla buys a ukulele and begins learning on YouTube, discovering that love and the ukulele have a lot in common.
As Karla learns, the songs are displayed on a screen so the audience can play and sing along (BYO uke). Giant chord diagrams decorate the venue for quick and easy reference.
Members of the public are also invited to be on stage with Karla,playing the her fellow ukulele club members –the Newstead Ukulele Troup (NUTS) and the Guildford Regional Ukulele Band (GRUBS).
Uked! explores the issues of ageing, loneliness, identity and belonging though a unique interacive play with music in a unique and fun way.
It celebrates the power of the humble ukelele to promote musical ability at any age and bring people together to combat social isolation.
All songs in the show are popular ukulele covers, available through APRA/AMCOS. There is one original song by the playwright – The Kooky Ukey Song.