Karla talks to wade on skype

Produce your own Uked!

Uked! is ideal for ukulele clubs and local theatre companies to produce.

Your ukulele club members can play the 10 fun cameo roles, which are parodies of all your favourite ukulele YouTube teachers, and your local theatre company can supply or help you audition for the main roles of Karla, Wade and Maestro.

In our premiere show at Guildford, the same actor played Wade – the man Karla meets on the dating site Romance-R-US – and Maestro – the ukulele teacher who helps her discover her talent for song writing.

Wade was recorded and only appeared on screen, while Maestro was live on stage.

In the story, Karla talks to Wade on Skype, FaceTime and text, but they never actually meet, so this device worked well.

We recorded our Wade on our iPhone and used the same projector and screen that we had for the PowerPoint of the sing-along songs.

Two different actors may also play Wade and Maestro, as the two characters never share the stage.

Project details